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Writer's pictureRanjan Neog

Few lessons we can learn from corona virus pandemic....

Updated: Aug 13

We humans are one species with very little variation in our basic DNA. We evolved with other species in the planet’s biosphere by natural selection, responding to changes and stresses in our various habitats and environments.It is only an arrogance cultivated in us by those narcissists who have risen to power through their own destructive egotism that blinded us to the necessary mix of humility and awe we ought to feel. It has taken a virus to show us that only together are we at our strongest, most alive and most human irrespective of religions, caste & creed.

Few more things India needs to introspect....

1)Asian way of tackling public health issues are far more superior as proved by Japan & South Korea.Unlike other countries, there has been no economic shutdown in these two countries and life is carrying on close to normal.South Korea traced confirmed & suspected cases through GPS & other mobile tower coordinates.Although it's a democracy; but took stern & swift action well ahead.Therefore look/act east policy will be much favorable for India than to look at west all the time with servile/colonial attitude.

2) On the diplomatic front too, India's foreign relations are primarily about war, armaments and commerce, and not about learning from one another about health, education, or social good. When heads of state go visiting countries, they usually take with them the bigwigs of business, but rarely scientists, health and policy experts, artists and intellectuals. In short, all those concerned about social welfare issues are not allowed at all to work on studying those much needed agendas.

3)Spitting in public is a scourge of long standing in India but, for the first time, the fear of corona virus is challenging us from the front. This could be a breakthrough moment in public health. It has been proven, time and again, how spitting spreads tuberculosis and now we even know how corona virus droplets, from spitting and coughing can hang in the air long enough to infect people. People have begun to wear masks and that acts as a spit inhibitor. Japanese people practice wearing of mask even before occurrence of corona virus pandemic.That's why covid19 spread & death toll is quite lower although it's nearby China.

4)In general, politics is no longer the main staple news item, be it electronic or print media. Those unnecessary & unproductive debates on our political parties and leaders, on communal-ism versus secularism, have given way to more sober discussions on corona virus and public health. Isn’t it also a good thing that, nowadays, we hear so little about terrorism?As a result, instead of politicians hogging the show, scientists and knowledge leaders are solicited by TV stations today for their opinions. This has made room for genuine experts to voice their views from which ordinary persons can only gain.

5)The corona virus pandemic has made some of our traditional customs take on newer meaning. As handshakes and air kissing are no longer acceptable for fear of passing on the virus, Indian greetings such as "Namaste and adaab" are infinitely more preferable. In addition, we now realise that both these indigenous forms of salutations are gender neutral and so do not offend our cultural disapproval. During this health crisis we may indeed notice who and what is most important.

But will we remember the sacrifice, their value after the virus is no longer headline news? Or will we go back to business as usual – until the next crisis – rewarding the arms manufacturers, film entertainers, the billionaire owners of the media etc...??????

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